Saturday, January 31, 2009

What's this?

Identify this close-up photo and win a fabulous Vermilion Bay Lodge coffee mug. Be the envy of your neighborhood as you flaunt your collectible V.B.L beverage containment device. Made from actual Chinese "China", this is a serious, manly mug. Enter often. The first correct guess takes it all!


  1. Hello:What is this!
    The iamge appears to be a section of a wooden boat, the stern section or seat. With a couple of walleye/pickerel tail fins
    Please send the winning mug to:
    Charles Weiss

  2. I'm going to guess some boards in the old fish house/freezer room. These brackets are likely holding something to the wall...the freezer?

  3. It is in the photo above the mystery photo. I have fished in the boat and seem to remember that was near the spot that Gordy naps while guiding/fishing.
    Send the mug to Diane Leboeuf -
