Monday, December 29, 2008

The First Post

Hello everyone and welcome to the "Electric Beaver". A catchy name, that's for sure. I hope you all received something just as "catchy" for Christmas and that your sights are set on a great New Year.

I thought a few pictures from 2008 might just remind us of some of the fun we had over the past season. Unfortunately for me it seems that I need to do further research on the ins and outs of posting pictures to this blog.
Well, to be current here is a picture of my first ice fishing sortie to "the rock". Note the way this huge whitefish has me leaning to support its weight. It's also possible that I was just exhausted from weeks of Christmas cheer. That might also explain the look on my face.
For those keen into the fishing aspect of what is going on now.....there is about 12 inches of ice on the lake with maybe a foot of snow. The whitefish was caught on a Salmo jigging lure in a perch color in about 15 feet of water. I can't say we have put any serious effort into fishing yet. I will be wetting a line tomorrow and Susanne & I are planning our annual New Years Day trout fishing excursion to Clearwater Lake.
Stay tuned for updates...