Friday, July 31, 2009

More building pictures.......

Well, despite the constant drizzle, showers, rain, etc. things are progressing. I'm REALLY looking forward to having it closed in and weather-tite. The last picture shows one of the two dormer roofs being framed in.
The weather people say this is the coolest summer since 1992...the first year we ran the camp. I remember that summer as being very wet ......kind of like 2009! Will it ever end....................


  1. Looking good Gord
    Should really look nice when it's done, sure it will be worth all the work.
    Keep us posted alway's nice to watch for the progress on the VBL lodge addition.

  2. Better Homes and Lodges!
    Keep on with building!
    Can't wait to see the final look of the place.
    Do you have an artist rendering of the final look?
    Sort of like Eagle Lake Island Lodge?

  3. I am guessing it is time for a VBL building report?
    I know you have been busy Gord not having time to even shave your legs but I think you have are interest on this.....
