Mojakka...It starts with a vision of a delicious fish soup from Finland. But it only materializes after a sucessful lake trout hunt into Clearwater Lake or Eagle Lake's Trout Holes. A successful trip produces a few pounds of laker filets which become key ingredients in this soup. Add these to to a variety of vegetables, herbs, spices and dairy products and what you wind up with is an incredibly tasty soup that is perfect for cold weather.
Mojakka Days is an annual event at my home every winter and it celebrates Finnish independence from Russia with soup. A few friends come over, we toast the Fins, and we eat mojakka. Then eveybody is happy. My friend, Andy, was over and he was very happy. For his own good, we had to cut him off after he consumed five bowls of mojakka in rapid succession.
Sadly, Mojakka Days is now over with. It only lasts as long as the soup does. The photo shows the last bowl from what originally was a big pot full. It made for a fine lunch.
If you like fish chowders, you would likely enjoy mojakka. There is no one right way to prepare this soup. But the recipe I use is a winner and I'll send it to you if you wish. Just click on "Professor" under the Eagle lake Blog "Contributors" heading and email me.